
  • Spandex Carpal Tunnel Splint
    Sold By: Medibd

    Spandex Carpal Tunnel Splint

    Sold By: Medibd

    Spandex Carpal Tunnel Splint


    Product Name Spandex Carpal Tunnel Splint
    Brand Flamingo
    Origine India
    Color Skin Color
    Material Spandex
    Pattern Plain
    Packaging Type Plastic Packet
    Minimum Order Quantity 1 Piece
  • Spinal Taylors Brace
    Sold By: Medibd

    Flamingo DorsoLumbar Spinal Taylors Brace

    Sold By: Medibd

    Flamingo DorsoLumbar Spinal Taylors Brace

    The lumbar vertebrae are involved in low back pain syndrome. It can be either acute, subacute, or chronic in nature. A stressful event, such as a vehicle accident or a fall, might result in an acute lower back injury. Soft tissue, such as intervertebral discs, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, would most likely be affected in acute cases. Vertebral fractures in the lumbar spine can occur as a result of a catastrophic accident, osteoporosis, or other causes of weaker vertebrae. Lower back discomfort that persists for a long time is known as chronic lower back pain.

    Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, degradation of the discs between the vertebrae, or a spinal disc herniation, a vertebral fracture (such as from osteoporosis), or, more rarely, a tumor (including cancer) or infection are all possible physical reasons. The Flamingo Dorsolumbar Spinal Brace provides excellent support.

    Shoulder straps ensure good fit and support while immobilizing the body.

    Ideal for a weaker dorsolumbar spine caused by tuberculosis.

    Suitable for patients with back pain who require post-operative rehabilitation.

  • Flamingo Cocxxy
    Sold By: Medibd

    Flamingo Cocxxy / Piles Cushion

    Sold By: Medibd

    Comfort Orthopedic Seat Cushion


    Sitting for large amounts of time, especially with an unassisted pelvis, may cause loads of discomfort. It can lead to lower back pain, exhaustion, incorrect sitting posture, and even poor circulation of the blood.

    That’s why ensuring we use chairs or other sitting paraphernalia is always crucial, which will keep us relaxed and protected all the time. Here’s the Dual Luxury Cushion Come In.

    The Dual Support Cushion supports the pelvis and relieves the tailbone, hips, and spine pressure. It can turn any chair into an ergonomic, corrective posture, and pain-relieving seat. Made of soft fluffy material and double temperature density, perfect for hot and cold weather conditions.

  • Hand Type Pulse Oximeter Machine
    Sold By: Medibd

    Hand Type Pulse Oximeter Machine

    Sold By: Medibd

    Hand Type Pulse Oximeter Machine


    • Handheld size with removable samples
    • The large dot-matrix LCD display with switchable backlight
    • Optional removable samples for adult, pediatric and neonate measurement
    • Precise measurement of SpO2 and PR (pulse rate) with anti-motion technology, real-time pulse bar display
    • PI (perfusion index) percentage and plethysmograph display.

    Automatic finger-

    • output
    • Data

    Storage function up to 70 hours of recording and review

    • Optional PC data management software for data transmission and analysis
    • 3xAA power supply batteries with power management.
  • Sold By: Medibd

    Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Heal Force A-3

    Sold By: Medibd

    Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Heal Force A-3

    Product: Pulse Oximeter
    Brand: ACARE
    Model: AH-MX


    • 1.04″ LCD display of color (including roping and instruction)
    • Saturation of the blood oxygen, plus rate, blood perfusion index, wave form of blood oxygen volume, and histogram for pulse intensity may appear.
    • Virtual display rotation.
    • Smart conservation of power, no operating in a syandby mode after 8 seconds.
    • Careful surveillance Down 0,4% in the conditions of poor perfusion
    • Alarm, automatically modify the color of the display when abnormal parameters are used
    • Indicator of low power
  • Sold By: Medibd

    Apex Best Neb Nebulizer

    Sold By: Medibd

    Apex Best Neb Nebulizer


    Product Name Nebulizer
    Brand Apex
    120VAC, 60Hz, 1.2A 230VAC, 50Hz, 0.6A
    (Note: Refer to the rating label on the product) 230VAC, 60Hz, 0.6A
    Max Pressure ≧35 psi
    Max Flow ≧14 lpm
    Operation Flow Rate Approx. 5.5 lpm
    Nebulization Rate 0.2 ~ 0.3 ml / min
    Particle Size 0.5 ~ 5 microns
    Dimensions (W×D×H) 28.5 × 20.5 × 11.0 cm
    Weight 2.0 kg

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